Positive Resume Action Words (2024)

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Positive Resume Action Words (53)Positive Resume Action Words (54)

Positive Resume Action Words (55)

Positive Resume Action Words (56)

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Positive resume action words are verbs you can use to begin a sentence in your dental hygiene resume to describe your skills, results, or accomplishments. They give your reader an interesting shortcut into your experience. Here are 500+ words you can use. Feel free to send us more:

  1. Accelerated
  2. Accomplished
  3. Accounted for
  4. Accumulated
  5. Achieved
  6. Acquired
  7. Acted
  8. Activated
  9. Active in
  10. Adapted
  11. Addressed
  12. Adjusted
  13. Administered
  14. Advanced
  15. Advertised
  16. Advised
  17. Advocated
  18. Affected
  19. Aided
  20. Alerted
  21. Allocated
  22. Amplified
  23. Analyzed
  24. Answered
  25. Anticipated
  26. Applied
  27. Appointed
  28. Appraised
  29. Approved
  30. Arbitrated
  31. Arranged
  32. Arraigned
  33. Arrested
  34. Articulated
  35. Ascertained
  36. Aspired
  37. Assembled
  38. Assessed
  39. Assigned
  40. Assisted
  41. Assumed responsibility
  42. Assured
  43. Attained
  44. Attracted
  45. Audited
  46. Authored
  47. Automated
  48. Awarded
  49. Balanced
  50. Billed
  51. Blazed
  52. Boosted
  53. Bought
  54. Briefed
  55. Broadened
  56. Budgeted
  57. Built
  58. Calculated
  59. Campaigned
  60. Captured
  61. Carried out
  62. Cataloged
  63. Caused
  64. Centralized
  65. Chaired
  66. Championed
  67. Changed
  68. Channeled
  69. Charted
  70. Checked
  71. Clarified
  72. Classified
  73. Closed
  74. Coached
  75. Co-directed
  76. Collaborated
  77. Collected
  78. Co-managed
  79. Combined
  80. Commanded
  81. Commended
  82. Commented
  83. Communicated
  84. Compared
  85. Compiled
  86. Completed
  87. Composed
  88. Computed
  89. Conceived
  90. Conceptualized
  91. Condensed
  92. Conducted
  93. Conferred
  94. Conserved
  95. Considered
  96. Consolidated
  97. Constructed
  98. Consulted
  99. Contacted
  100. Contained
  101. Contracted
  102. Contributed
  103. Controlled
  104. Converted
  105. Convicted
  106. Coordinated
  107. Corrected
  108. Correlated
  109. Corresponded
  110. Corroborated
  111. Costed
  112. Counseled
  113. Counted
  114. Created
  115. Critiqued
  116. Crowned
  117. Cultivated
  118. Cured
  119. Customized
  120. Cut
  121. Dealt with
  122. Decided
  123. Decreased
  124. Defined
  125. Delegated
  126. Delivered
  127. Demonstrated
  128. Described
  129. Designated
  130. Designed
  131. Detected
  132. Determined
  133. Developed
  134. Devised
  135. Diagnosed
  136. Directed
  137. Discovered
  138. Dispatched
  139. Dispensed
  140. Displayed
  141. Dissected
  142. Distinguished
  143. Distributed
  144. Documented
  145. Doubled
  146. Drafted
  147. Drove
  148. Earned
  149. Economized
  150. Edited
  151. Educated
  152. Effected
  153. Eliminated
  154. Emphasized
  155. Employed
  156. Empowered
  157. Enabled
  158. Enacted
  159. Encouraged
  160. Ended
  161. Endorsed
  162. Energized
  163. Enforced
  164. Engaged
  165. Engineered
  166. Enhanced
  167. Enlarged
  168. Enlisted
  169. Ensured
  170. Entertained
  171. Established
  172. Estimated
  173. Evaluated
  174. Examined
  175. Exceeded
  176. Executed
  177. Expanded
  178. Expedited
  179. Experienced
  180. Experimented
  181. Explained
  182. Explored
  183. Expressed
  184. Extended
  185. Extracted
  186. Fabricated
  187. Facilitated
  188. Familiarized
  189. Fashioned
  190. Filed
  191. Filled
  192. Finalized
  193. Financed
  194. Fine-tuned
  195. Fixed
  196. Focused
  197. Forecast
  198. Forecasted
  199. Formed
  200. Formulated
  201. Fostered
  202. Found
  203. Founded
  204. Fulfilled
  205. Functioned as
  206. Furnished
  207. Gained
  208. Gathered
  209. Generated
  210. Graded
  211. Graduated
  212. Granted
  213. Grew
  214. Guided
  215. Halved
  216. Handled
  217. Harmonized
  218. Harnessed
  219. Headed
  220. Helped
  221. Hired
  222. Hypothesized
  223. Identified
  224. Illustrated
  225. Imagined
  226. Implemented
  227. Impressed
  228. Improved
  229. Improvised
  230. Incorporated
  231. Increased
  232. Indexed
  233. Indoctrinated
  234. Influenced
  235. Informed
  236. Initiated
  237. Innovated
  238. Inspected
  239. Inspired
  240. Installed
  241. Instigated
  242. Instituted
  243. Instructed
  244. Insured
  245. Integrated
  246. Interpreted
  247. Interviewed
  248. Introduced
  249. Invented
  250. Inventoried
  251. Invested
  252. Investigated
  253. Involved
  254. Issued
  255. Joined
  256. Judged
  257. Justified
  258. Kept
  259. Launched
  260. Lead
  261. Learned
  262. Leased
  263. Lectured
  264. Led
  265. Liaised
  266. Licensed
  267. Listed
  268. Located
  269. Logged
  270. Machined
  271. Made
  272. Magnified
  273. Maintained
  274. Managed
  275. Marketed
  276. Mastered
  277. Matched
  278. Maximized
  279. Measured
  280. Mediated
  281. Merged
  282. Met
  283. Met with
  284. Minimized
  285. Mobilized
  286. Moderated
  287. Modernized
  288. Modified
  289. Monitored
  290. Motivated
  291. Moved
  292. Named
  293. Navigated
  294. Negated
  295. Negotiated
  296. Netted
  297. Observed
  298. Obtained
  299. Opened
  300. Operated
  301. Optimized
  302. Orchestrated
  303. Ordered
  304. Organized
  305. Originated
  306. Outlined
  307. Overhauled
  308. Oversaw
  309. Participated
  310. Perceived
  311. Performed
  312. Persuaded
  313. Photographed
  314. Piloted
  315. Pinpointed
  316. Pioneered
  317. Placed
  318. Played
  319. Planned
  320. Predicted
  321. Prepared
  322. Presented
  323. Presided
  324. Prevented
  325. Printed
  326. Prioritized
  327. Processed
  328. Procured
  329. Produced
  330. Programmed
  331. Prohibited
  332. Projected
  333. Promoted
  334. Proofread
  335. Proposed
  336. Protected
  337. Proved
  338. Provided
  339. Publicized
  340. Published
  341. Purchased
  342. Pursued
  343. Qualified
  344. Queried
  345. Questioned
  346. Raised
  347. Ran
  348. Ranked
  349. Rated
  350. Reached
  351. Realigned
  352. Realized
  353. Reasoned
  354. Received
  355. Recognized
  356. Recommended
  357. Reconciled
  358. Recorded
  359. Recruited
  360. Redesigned
  361. Reduced
  362. Referred
  363. Registered
  364. Regulated
  365. Rehabilitated
  366. Reinforced
  367. Related
  368. Remodeled
  369. Rendered
  370. Reorganized
  371. Repaired
  372. Replaced
  373. Replied
  374. Reported
  375. Represented
  376. Reputed
  377. Researched
  378. Resolved
  379. Responded
  380. Restored
  381. Restructured
  382. Retrieved
  383. Revamped
  384. Reversed
  385. Reviewed
  386. Revised
  387. Revitalized
  388. Routed
  389. Saved
  390. Scheduled
  391. Screened
  392. Searched
  393. Secured
  394. Selected
  395. Separated
  396. Served
  397. Serviced
  398. Set or set up
  399. Shaped
  400. Shared
  401. Showed
  402. Simplified
  403. Simulated
  404. Sketched
  405. Slashed
  406. Sold
  407. Solidified
  408. Solved
  409. Sorted
  410. Sought
  411. Sparked
  412. Spearheaded
  413. Specialized
  414. Specified
  415. Spoke
  416. Sponsored
  417. Staffed
  418. Standardized
  419. Started
  420. Steered
  421. Stimulated
  422. Stored
  423. Streamlined
  424. Strengthened
  425. Stressed
  426. Stretched
  427. Structured
  428. Studied
  429. Submitted
  430. Substituted
  431. Succeeded
  432. Suggested
  433. Summarized
  434. Superseded
  435. Supervised
  436. Supplemented
  437. Supplied
  438. Supported
  439. Surpassed
  440. Surveyed
  441. Synchronized
  442. Synergized
  443. Systematized
  444. Tabulated
  445. Tackled
  446. Targeted
  447. Taught
  448. Terminated
  449. Tested
  450. Tightened
  451. Took or took over
  452. Totaled
  453. Toured
  454. Traced
  455. Tracked
  456. Traded
  457. Trained
  458. Transcribed
  459. Transferred
  460. Transformed
  461. Translated
  462. Transmitted
  463. Transported
  464. Traveled
  465. Treated
  466. Triggered
  467. Trimmed
  468. Tripled
  469. Triumphed
  470. Troubleshot
  471. Turned
  472. Tutored
  473. Typed
  474. Umpired
  475. Uncovered
  476. Understood
  477. Understudied
  478. Undertook
  479. Underwent
  480. Underwrote
  481. Unearthed
  482. Unified
  483. United
  484. Unraveled
  485. Updated
  486. Upgraded
  487. Urged
  488. Used
  489. Utilized
  490. Validated
  491. Valued
  492. Verbalized
  493. Verified
  494. Visited
  495. Vitalized
  496. Volunteered
  497. Waged
  498. Weighed
  499. Widened
  500. Won
  501. Worked
  502. Wrote

Not Getting Interviews?

You’ve come to the right place! I have worked with thousands of dental hygienists over the years who were faced with all kinds of employment challenges. It all started with my wife, Tracie, who in 2010 was faced with her own challenge of finding a dental hygiene job. After I helped her, word of mouth […]

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Positive Resume Action Words (2024)


What are the best action words for a resume? ›

Acted, Adapted, Combined, Composed, Conceptualized, Condensed, Created, Customized, Designed, Developed, Devised, Directed, Displayed, Entertained, Established, Fashioned, Formulated, Founded, Illustrated, Initiated, Instituted, Integrated, Introduced, Invented, Modeled, Modified, Originated, Performed, Photographed, ...

What are resume power words? ›

Power words are the specific, descriptive words you use to tell employers about your skills and accomplishments.

What are active positive words? ›

Positive Resume Action Words
  • Accelerated.
  • Accomplished.
  • Accounted for.
  • Accumulated.
  • Achieved.
  • Acquired.
  • Acted.
  • Activated.

What can I say instead of strong on my resume? ›

Synonyms for Strong to put on your resume
  • Capable.
  • Compelling.
  • Comprehensive.
  • Dynamic.
  • Enduring.
  • Energetic.
  • Energized.
  • Expert.
Apr 13, 2023

What are 20 action words? ›

Commonly Used Action Words in English
RideSit downKnit
FlyTurn offBow
5 more rows

How to make your resume stand out? ›

Here are some suggestions to make the format stand out positively:
  1. Use 10-12-point font or larger. ...
  2. Use a clean, professional-looking font. ...
  3. Use respectable margins. ...
  4. Use adequate spacing.
  5. Abbreviate months of employment.
  6. Include proper contact information.

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List of Positive Words in English for Everyday Communication
List of Positive Words
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Dec 1, 2023

What words should I use in my resume? ›

Some of the best resume action verbs examples are:
  • Accomplished.
  • Achieved.
  • Adapted.
  • Advised.
  • Clarified.
  • Coached.
  • Communicated.
  • Conducted.

What are 10 action words with examples? ›

Run, walk, jump, talk, sing, speak, eat, drink, cry, skip, pull, push, fetch, give, make, bake, try, bring, teach, study, etc. are some examples of action verbs.

What is a better word for skills on a resume? ›

A great alternative to the word 'Skills' on a resume could be 'Competencies'. This term encompasses both your abilities and knowledge in a particular area.

What is a word for excellent skills? ›

Some common synonyms of skilled are adept, expert, proficient, and skillful.

What is a word for effective on a resume? ›

A great replacement for the word 'Effective' on a resume could be 'Efficient'. For example, instead of saying "Effective in project management", you could say "Efficient in project management". Other alternatives could be 'Proficient', 'Skilled', or 'Accomplished', depending on the context.

What are 50 action verbs? ›

50+ Strong Action Verbs You Need to Use on Your Resume Now
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What are filler words in a resume? ›

Resume space fillers are words and phrases that professionals commonly use in resume writing, but which can take up a lot of space. The two types of space fillers are repetitive fillers and exaggerated fillers. Repetitive phrases are those that add nothing new to existing information and create redundancies.

What is an example of a call to action on a resume? ›

Impactful CTA examples
  • I would love to set up an interview at your earliest convenience.
  • I would happily meet with you to tell you more about my experience.
  • I welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in an interview.
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Article information

Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Last Updated:

Views: 6674

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.