​10 most read books in the world (2024)

Oct 25, 2023

Aakanksha Sharma

The most read books

While some would think that 'Harry Potter' is the most-read book others will probably point to 'Romeo and Juliet' by Shakespeare. But it would come as a surprise to many that either of them are not the most read.


A curated list

Writer James Chapman curated a list of the most-read books in the world, based on how many copies were sold globally. Read on to know more.


​The Holy Bible

The 'Holy Bible' holds the title for the most-read book in the world. According to the Guinness World Records, “Research conducted by the British and Foreign Bible Society in 2021 suggests that the total number probably lies between 5 and 7 billion copies.”


​Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung

With over 820 million copies sold worldwide, the book holds the second place. The book is a compilation of quotations and statements from Mao Tse-tung’s speeches and was widely published and distributed during the Cultural Revolution.


The 'Harry Potter' series

A favourite of readers worldwide, the 'Harry Potter' series is like a one-size-fits-all. Be it children or young adults, 'Harry Potter' is loved by everyone. And the love shows as the book has sold over 400 million copies worldwide.


'The Lord of the Rings'

With over 103 million copies sold worldwide, 'The Lord of the Rings' stands in the fourth position. The book by J.R.R. Tolkien is an epic fantasy trilogy with a richly imagined world, diverse characters, and timeless themes.


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​'The Alchemist'

'The Alchemist' is a widely known and famous book by Paulo Coelho. It is a philosophical novel exploring the journey of self-discovery, dreams, and the pursuit of one's destiny. Notably, it has sold over 65 million copies worldwide.


'The Da Vinci Code'

A book as famous and loved as its movie adaptation, 'The Da Vinci Code' stands in the 6th position with over 57 million copies sold worldwide. The book by Dan Brown is a gripping thriller that combines art, history, and religion.


​'The Twilight Saga'

Written by Stephanie Meyer, 'The Twilight Saga' has sold over 43 million copies worldwide. Revolving around Bella and a vampire, Edward, the book grips young adults worldwide with its plot of love, the supernatural, and immortality.


​'Gone With the Wind'

Authored by Margaret Mitchell, the book has sold over 33 million copies worldwide. The story revolves around Scarlett O'Hara's survival and transformation in the American South during the American Civil War. It is a tale of love and loss and remains a classic even today.


'Think and Grow Rich'

A book with a catchy title, 'Think and Grow Rich' has sold over 30 million copies worldwide. It is a classic self-help book that outlines principles for achieving success and wealth while emphasizing the power of mindset and a desire to achieve.


​'Diary of Anne Frank'

This is a powerful firsthand account of a Jewish girl's life in hiding during the Holocaust. It provides a raw and personal perspective on the horrors of World War II and the enduring spirit of hope. The book has sold over 27 million copies worldwide.


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​10 most read books in the world (2024)
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