The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (2024)

Table of Contents
How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t, by Andrea Owen How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t, by Andrea Owen Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It, by Kamal Ravikant Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It, by Kamal Ravikant Dare to Let Go, by Alexandra Vasiliu Dare to Let Go, by Alexandra Vasiliu The Art of Letting Go, by Damon Zahariades The Art of Letting Go, by Damon Zahariades The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz What a Time to Be Alone, by Chidera Eggerue What a Time to Be Alone, by Chidera Eggerue Buy Yourself the F*cking Lillies, by Tara Schuster Buy Yourself the F*cking Lillies, by Tara Schuster Untamed, by Glennon Doyle Untamed, by Glennon Doyle Don't Overthink It, by Anne Bogel Don't Overthink It, by Anne Bogel Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown Badass Affirmations: The Wit and Wisdom of Wild Women, by Becca Anderson Badass Affirmations: The Wit and Wisdom of Wild Women, by Becca Anderson The Self-Love Experiment, by Shannon Kaiser The Self-Love Experiment, by Shannon Kaiser You Are a Badass, by Jen Sincero You Are a Badass, by Jen Sincero The Body Is Not an Apology, by Sonya Renee Taylor The Body Is Not an Apology, by Sonya Renee Taylor Self-Compassion, by Kristin Neff Self-Compassion, by Kristin Neff Think Like A Monk, by Jay Shetty Think Like A Monk, by Jay Shetty The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brené Brown The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brené Brown Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself, by Nedra Glover Tawwab Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself, by Nedra Glover Tawwab You Were Born for This, by Chani Nicholas You Were Born for This, by Chani Nicholas Unf*ck Yourself, by Gary John Bishop Unf*ck Yourself, by Gary John Bishop FAQs
The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (1)

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Okay, hear me out: Some of the best company you can keep is yourself. That's right, you've gotta learn to be your own best friend and show yourself the love you would shower your bestie with, because as the great RuPaul says, "If you can't love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love somebody else?" Self-love (or lack thereof) can have a big impact, making navigating your day-to-day sufficiently better than if you didn’t have true self-acceptance. I know, I know, it sounds corny, but it's true!

Now I also know that in a world of self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and having to navigate difficult situations that can leave us feeling, well, a little critical of ourselves, it's usually easier said than done to show ourselves a lil' self-love. But just like any skill, learning to love yourself and understanding where negative self-talk is coming from (and how to talk back to it!) is something you need to actively work on. If you need a hand in that area or just appreciate a good reminder, these self-love books are so inspiring that you’ll actually want to reread them (or lend them to your friends, because they could probably use a reminder, too).


How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t, by Andrea Owen

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (2)


How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t, by Andrea Owen

Now 21% Off

It's time to destroy your self-destructive behaviors. That means ditching people-pleasing, tuning out your inner critic, and holding back from catastrophizing. Through digestible chapters on bad habit awareness, you'll learn how to stop getting in your own way of happiness.


Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It, by Kamal Ravikant

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (3)

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (4)


Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It, by Kamal Ravikant

Now 37% Off

When CEO Kamal Ravikant completely fell apart after his company tanked, he went on a mission to start loving himself and it ended up saving him. Now he's written a book about it that will not only make you want to love yourself too, but will show you exactly how to do it.


Dare to Let Go, by Alexandra Vasiliu

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (5)


Dare to Let Go, by Alexandra Vasiliu

If you find poetry speaks to your soul more than anything else, then this book of poems needs to get added to your to-read list. It touches on everything from letting go of bad relationships to healing, growth, self-esteem, and living a life full of love.

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The Art of Letting Go, by Damon Zahariades

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (6)


The Art of Letting Go, by Damon Zahariades

It can be almost second-nature for a lot of us to hold onto anger, resentment, and regret, but really all that ends up doing is exhausting us emotionally. So, this book maps out ways to overcome that emotional turmoil by changing negative thought patterns so that you can start enjoying your life more.

This is a classic in the world of self-love books, having come out more than 25 years ago and still being popular today. It focuses on getting rid of self-limiting beliefs that hold us back and provides a guide to transform your life so you can experience freedom, joy, and love.


What a Time to Be Alone, by Chidera Eggerue

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (9)


What a Time to Be Alone, by Chidera Eggerue

Now 11% Off

This book is all about how being alone is literally the best thing that can ever happen to you. It centers on how you decide your own self-worth and how to avoid toxic relationships. Plus, it features author Chidera Eggerue's original artwork. Who doesn’t love a well-designed, helpful book?

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Buy Yourself the F*cking Lillies, by Tara Schuster

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (10)


Buy Yourself the F*cking Lillies, by Tara Schuster

TV exec Tara Schuster gets brutally honest in this witty book about growing up–whether you’re in your 20s or 50s–and “learning to love yourself in a non-throw-up-in-your-mouth-it’s-so-cheesy way.” She shares the daily rituals that helped her re-parent herself and become a self-love expert.


Untamed, by Glennon Doyle

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (11)


Untamed, by Glennon Doyle

Now 49% Off

Jam-packed with life lessons, Glennon Doyle’s memoir boils down to abandoning the world’s expectations of you. It’s about fully embracing every aspect of your life to live totally free as a woman in the modern world.


Don't Overthink It, by Anne Bogel

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (12)


Don't Overthink It, by Anne Bogel

Now 48% Off

Overthinking seems uncontrollable, but author Anne Bogel is here to tell you that it's an act you can actually stop doing. In Don't Overthink It, she offers strategies to help you deal with indecisions and what-ifs both big and small.

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Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (13)


Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown

Learning to embrace vulnerability can be hard, especially when we've been taught, directly or indirectly, that being vulnerable is weak. In this book, the iconic Brené Brown dispels that myth and shows you how it's actually a strength and opens us up to so many other amazing life experiences.


Badass Affirmations: The Wit and Wisdom of Wild Women, by Becca Anderson

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (14)


Badass Affirmations: The Wit and Wisdom of Wild Women, by Becca Anderson

Now 55% Off

Sometimes we don't need to read multiple chapters of a book to change our perspective on ourselves. Sometimes an empowering affirmation that we repeat throughout the day will do the trick.


The Self-Love Experiment, by Shannon Kaiser

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (15)


The Self-Love Experiment, by Shannon Kaiser

Now 13% Off

Author Shannon Kaiser draws from her personal experience of learning to love herself and finding purpose after recovering from eating disorders, drug addictions, corporate burnout, and depression. It’s basically about learning how to put yourself first, which, FYI, isn’t selfish!

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You Are a Badass, by Jen Sincero

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (16)


You Are a Badass, by Jen Sincero

In 27 super short chapters, bestselling author Jen Sincero offers inspiring stories, solid advice, and simple exercises to help you get a grip on one thing: You are a badass. By the end of the how-to guide, you'll understand yourself better, love what you can't change, and know how to alter what you can change.


The Body Is Not an Apology, by Sonya Renee Taylor

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (17)


The Body Is Not an Apology, by Sonya Renee Taylor

Body shaming is fueled by oppressive systems that activist and poet Sonya Renee Taylor suggests we not only overcome, but totally interrupt. It focuses on self-love in relation to our bodies and spreading it on a global scale.


Self-Compassion, by Kristin Neff

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (18)

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (19)


Self-Compassion, by Kristin Neff

Now 45% Off

Whether you're trying to stick to your New Year's resolution of reading more or just get through your endless daily to-do lists, a lot of us have a tendency to beat ourselves up when we start struggling to do what we wanted to do. This book encourages you to move towards self-compassion, and provides exercises and action plans that can be put into place when those struggles come up.

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Think Like A Monk, by Jay Shetty

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (20)


Think Like A Monk, by Jay Shetty

Instead of going to college, Jay Shetty went to India to live as a monk for three years. In this book he shares many of the lessons he learned there, like how to stop overthinking, why you are not your thoughts, how to access your inner calm, and how to find purpose. All of these put together are a recipe for self-love success.


The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brené Brown

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (21)


The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brené Brown

Now 46% Off

Brené Brown is basically the reigning queen of self-help/self-love books, and this one in particular is all about learning to accept imperfections, especially during the times when we don't live up to the unattainable (and sometimes self-sabotaging) expectations we set for ourselves.


Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself, by Nedra Glover Tawwab

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (22)


Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself, by Nedra Glover Tawwab

Now 41% Off

It's so easy to get caught up in the grind culture, putting in an exhausting amount of hours with work or school or parenting or whatever endeavor's in front of you. And then there's family obligations and friends, and suddenly you have no time for yourself. Well one of the best ways you can show yourself some love is by setting boundaries, giving you time to focus on you! Leaning to say "no" is hard, but this book can help you get there.

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You Were Born for This, by Chani Nicholas

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (23)


You Were Born for This, by Chani Nicholas

Now 40% Off

Astrologer Chani Nicholas takes you through three foundational parts of your birth chart in this page turner that essentially tells you to stop looking outside of yourself for validation, and embrace self-acceptance. To achieve that, it features journal prompts, reflection questions, and affirmations tailored to your astrological makeup.


Unf*ck Yourself, by Gary John Bishop

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (24)


Unf*ck Yourself, by Gary John Bishop

Now 33% Off

''Here's what you've forgotten: You're a fu*king miracle of being,'' Gary John Bishop writes in this straightforward handbook that centers on moving past self-imposed limits. You’re the only one standing in the way of getting or doing what you want.

The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once (2024)


The 25 Best Self-Love Books You’ll Want to Read More Than Once? ›

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

You may have read this beloved coming-of-age story when you were in school, but it's worth revisiting this classic as an adult. Poignant and powerful, the central themes remain timeless and timely.

What is a book you think everyone should read? ›

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

You may have read this beloved coming-of-age story when you were in school, but it's worth revisiting this classic as an adult. Poignant and powerful, the central themes remain timeless and timely.

Which is the most sold self-help book in the world? ›

Best selling Self-Help books of all time

Regarded as one of the most important self-help books of all time, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill has sold over 70 million copies.

Does reading self-help books really help? ›

Sometimes it can be hard to get out of bed and these books are telling us I need to do a lot of work to be 'worthy' or 'happy'. “ But self-help books can offer valuable advice and be genuinely helpful for some readers.

What is a self-improvement book? ›

A self-help book is one that is written with the intention to instruct its readers on solving personal problems. The books take their name from Self-Help, an 1859 best-seller by Samuel Smiles, but are also known and classified under "self-improvement", a term that is a modernized version of self-help.

What is the #1 most read book? ›

With over 5 billion copies sold and distributed, the Bible takes the top spot as the most read and widely distributed book in the world. It is considered the holy scripture of Christianity and is also revered by Judaism.

What is the top 10 most read book? ›

The 10 most-sold individual books
  1. The Bible — 5 to 7 billion. ...
  2. 'Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung' — 900 million. ...
  3. The Quran — at least 800 million. ...
  4. 'Xinhua Zidian' — 567 million. ...
  5. 'Don Quixote' — at least 500 million. ...
  6. 'A Tale of Two Cities' — at least 200 million. ...
  7. The Book of Mormon — 192 million.
Dec 22, 2023

What is the number 1 read book in the world? ›

The Holy Bible

The 'Holy Bible' holds the title for the most-read book in the world.

What's a good book for self-love? ›

Self-Love is a Common Goal in an Individual Journey
Number #️⃣Title 📗Amazon Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
2Untamed: Stop Pleasing, Start Living4.5
3Love for Imperfect Things4.6
4Get Out of Your Own Way: OvercomingSelf-Defeating Behavior4.5
5Make Your Bed: Small Things That Can Change Your Life… And Maybe The World4.7
6 more rows
Mar 29, 2023

How do I train myself to love reading? ›

Thank you for sharing, friends!
  1. Make time for it. Simply put, you make time for what's important to you. ...
  2. Find the best way to consume your books for your lifestyle. ...
  3. Keep a list of what you want to read next. ...
  4. Find a buddy! ...
  5. Always keep a book with you. ...
  6. Track what you've read. ...
  7. Read what you love. ...
  8. Now it's your turn!

How do I love myself all over again? ›

How to Love Yourself: 20 Ways to Start Loving Yourself Again
  1. Don't compare yourself to others. ...
  2. Embrace contentment. ...
  3. Surround yourself with positive people. ...
  4. Travel at least once a year. ...
  5. Take care of your brain. ...
  6. Accept your flaws and mistakes. ...
  7. Give yourself a break.

Are self-help books as effective as therapy? ›

The knowledge and approaches of a psychotherapist can be squeezed into a book. However, there's something a self-help book simply can't offer that psychotherapy can, and it's a vital component of positive change: the therapeutic relationship.

Is 48 Laws of Power worth reading? ›

Greene himself acknowledges the potential for misuse of power and encourages readers to use the laws responsibly and ethically. Overall, "The 48 Laws of Power" is a compelling and illuminating read that offers valuable insights into human behavior, social dynamics, and the nature of power.

Why novels are better than self-help books? ›

Reading fiction is known to improve what's called “theory of mind” — that is, the ability to attribute mental states — beliefs, intents, desires, emotions, knowledge, etc. — to oneself and others, and to understand that others have beliefs, desires, intentions, and perspectives that are different from one's own.

Is Think and Grow Rich a good book? ›

The danger is that these are the statements readers latch on to, and lose the forest for the trees. And this would be a shame, for when all is said and done, "Think and Grow Rich" is terrific book. Hill is passionate, and his advice is refreshingly practical. The above caveat aside, Hill tells it like it is.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Views: 5971

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.